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Getting On-line at Stonehaven

Register your computer, gaming consoles or other networked device to gain access to the Stonehaven Residential Network. You will need your NETID to register your devices.

WiFi Support

Open a ticket to report a problem.

Connectivity issues support email


Support hours

Monday – Sunday, 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. PST
After-hour support requests will be serviced the next day.

In your e-mail include the following

  • Full name
  • Apartment building, unit number, & bed space
  • Telephone number
  • Briefly describe your internet issue.


How Do I Access The Internet?

Step 1:  Agree to user policy terms and conditions.

You will receive an email from Stonehaven WiFi Support via DocuSign NA3 System titled “Please DocuSign: Stonehaven WiFi Service Agreement” a week prior to your move in.  Resident’s must use their UCR NETID email when registering their devices. Devices not registered with the required email will be deactivated.

Open the email and click the yellow “Continue” box to gain access to the document. Review the document. You must e-sign the Stonehaven WiFi Service Agreement by clicking the yellow “Select Signature” box and type in your apartment number and bedspace. Reference your housing contract agreement for your assigned apartment and bedspace. Once signed click on the yellow “Finish” box at the top of the screen.

A follow up email titled “Completed: Please DocuSign: Stonehaven WiFi Service Agreement” will be emailed to you after signing where you can view and print the signed agreement.


Step 2: SSID and password

Once you sign the policy terms and conditions, you will be provided an SSID and password unique to you, within 24 hours.

Note: Android users may follow this step by step guide for additional log-in instruction.


How Many Devices Can I Register?

All users may connect up to 4 devices to the network. One device may be registered at a higher-speed of 15Mpbs upload and download for educational purposes. All secondary devices will be limited to 5 Mbps speed.

Can I use the ethernet port?

Ethernet connection is not available.

Does my guest have access to WiFi?

Stonehaven Guest” WiFi network is available for guest’s during the week of check in. No password is required. “Stonehaven Guest” is not to be used as a replacement for registering for your personal Stonehaven WiFi account.

Can I obtain my own third-party internet service?

Yes. Internet must be arranged for and paid by the Resident to an appropriate third-party provider. Consult the Resident Services Office (RSO) regarding approved third-party providers. Send an email to [email protected] to notify the SH RSO that you will be arranging for your own internet.